Movies featuring yoko-matsuoka

Futari wa Precure Max Heart: The Movie

Shuten Doji - The Star Hand Kid

Sol Bianca

Drifting Clouds

Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Alone Again

Spooky Kitaro: Kitaro's Ghost Train

Sol Bianca 2

Spooky Kitaro: The Great Sea Beast

Cosmic Fantasy: Galaxy Cougar's Trap

Ryokunohara Labyrinth - Sparkling Phantom

Kosuke and Rikimaru: The Dragon of Konpei Island

Spooky Kitaro: Yokai Express! The Phantom Train

Spooky Kitaro: Ghost Nighter

Hisashi Eguchi's Kotobuki Goro Show

Curry Rice

Marina the Manga Artist Goes to Camelot

By the Time the Moon Rises

It's the Sea! Let's Set Sail! Niko Niko, Pun